Supercharge your 2023 strategy with data-rich listing content

Don't miss out on the opportunity to innovate in 2023!

Tune into this masterclass to learn how to enrich and automate your data strategy using AI technology.

Lisa Larson, our Managing Director at, highlights the many benefits of AI integration in real estate (specifically the MLS space) with Pierre Calzadilla, EVP of Growth at Local Logic, in an online masterclass moderated by Amy Gorce, CEO & Managing Partner at PRESTA Team.

Key Takeaways:

How you can use AI technology to modernize your MLS in order to automate and data-enrich listing entry

✅ How image tagging solutions can auto-populate listing input fields and provide missing data, making your site ADA compliant

✅ How complementary features in's MLS Suite can give MLSs a powerful combination of tools to untapped potential

Together, they delved into the numerous benefits of integrating AI technology into the MLS space, showcasing how automation can drive significant improvements, and providing actionable strategies.

Click below to watch the full video!

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Have any additional thoughts on how our technology can supercharge YOUR 2023 strategy? Visit our website for more information or reach out for a chat!
