4 Thoughts from talking Photo Compliance with MLS's

Let's start with something that may be taken for granted - The Multiple Listing Services (MLS's) in the United States do an incredible job maintaining clean and standardized ...
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Floor Plan Voyeurism

I was sitting on my mother’s newly bought couches, sipping some hot cocoa on last year’s Christmas Eve. The holiday cheer floated in the air and my family was cracking jokes and ...
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5 A.I. Tools to Improve Lead Generation in Real Estate

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is transforming the work of realtors. Over the years, realtors have had to adapt to subtle changes in consumers’ needs. Though many still utilize ...
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Are You A Tech-Savvy Real Estate Agent?

In the past decade, the speed at which technology has grown has left some real estate agents reeling. Meanwhile, others have done their best to keep up with the changing trends ...
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Home Staging and Computer Vision Improve Lead Generation

Computer Vision refers to a type of artificial intelligence that can identify and correlate pictures by recognizing and categorizing the specific features present in an image. It ...
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How GDPR Improves Lead Generation for Real Estate Webites

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has gone into effect as of May 25, 2018. Under this mandate, organizations in possession of a consumer’s information ...
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Top 10 Real Estate Blogs for Agents

The real estate industry has evolved in a lot of ways over the past couple of years. Non–stop technological innovations, shifting consumer tastes, and dynamic property markets ...
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Top 10 #Proptech Startups To Watch Out For

Real estate property technology is the newest innovation transforming the way people buy, sell, and rent properties. PropTech is the term used to refer to companies providing ...
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8 Tips to Improve Your Real Estate Website

If you’re running a business in today’s digital age, you’re probably aware of how important it is to ensure your online presence. Digital advances have changed the way we do ...
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AI-Driven Real Estate in 10 Years

“Benji?”, Judy called out into the seemingly empty apartment as she stepped out of Seattle’s cold and gloomy weather and into her cozy home. “Benji, we need to move to LA, to a ...
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