5 Ways Real Estate Portals Can Use Computer Vision

Never has the expression “Seeing is believing” been truer than during the journey to find a home. No one chooses a property without seeing it first. Now, with nearly everyone in ...
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Voice Search, the Future of Real Estate Listings

Ready or Not, Voice Search Comes to Property Listings Voice search is less a trend than a wave, a tsunami that will wash over online real estate property searches. The technology ...
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Restb.ai vs Other Image Recognition Technologies

Restb.ai Outshines the Competition in Real Estate Searches
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6 Reasons to Buy a Turnkey AI Solution Instead of DIY

Peter Lee, a vice president inside Microsoft Research, once said that the cost of acquiring a top AI researcher had about the same price tag as signing a quarterback in America’s ...
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Top 10 Image Recognition Blogs

Image Recognition is both a new and a relatively old technology. 40 years ago it was merely the application of mathematics and software to distinguish an object in a group of ...
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How Computer Vision Is Changing the Way We Search for Our Dream Home

Traditionally, search features on Real Estate portals are limited, causing buyers to spend hours looking through hundreds of homes that don’t match their needs. New Artificial ...
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How to Make Hero Shots that Close Property Deals

Consumers now expect to ask questions of their computers and mobile devices in the same way they would ask an office secretary or store clerk: in their own language. And they ...
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What Is Computer Vision?

In 1983 satellites of the USSR registered the launch of five intercontinental missiles against Moscow. Stanislav Petrov, the duty officer in charge of launching Soviet missiles in ...
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Image Recognition With An Eye for Real Estate

Few sectors in the world are as competitive as real estate. The quality of online property listings and the accuracy of search results on websites can provide real estate agencies ...
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Watermark and Logo Detection Foils Digital Cuckoos

The cuckoo bird is famous for laying its own eggs in the nests of other bird species. The cuckoo baby’s first instinct when it is born is to push the eggs of other birds out of ...
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